How To photography Poses Women Quick Tips
We’re doing a posing article and I’m going to go over ten tips for better posing. So let’s yeah, let’s get started. photography Poses Tips
Tip Number . 1

tip number one is shoot her favorite side. Okay, so about 95% of the women that I have photographs they all
favorite side if kavya believes that the right side of her face is her good side, then you know what? I want to focus on that because I want her to feel good in her pictures. I want her to feel beautiful. So that’s yeah, that’s tip number one. photography Poses Tip
Tip Number . 2

tip number two is Shifting the way to the back leg and okay go ahead babe. So stand stand regular and put your weight on your back leg. So what’s closest to the camera? It appears bigger. So what happens is when you shift your weight to your back leg what it does for most people is Slim them down and make look slimmer in the waistline. Okay now go ahead and switch it switch your weight to your front leg. Okay. So what happens is when you put your weight on your front leg this appears bigger. Okay, and for most girls, they don’t want this to be bigger usually is not flattering for most women, but if that is what if that is an asset that that a model wants to show perfectly fine, but I recommend always putting the way to the back leg and having them turn their torso toward you.
Yes, so it emphasizes more on her face and not her waist and how big our waste is. Okay. So hey my head going. Oh, yeah your hips. photography Poses Tip
Tip Number . 3

tip number three is slouching. Okay, and a lot of people as they’re getting comfortable with the camera. You will notice. Okay. Yeah. See obviously no. Okay. What are you doing? I’m faculty. Okay slouch again. Okay, so when someone’s getting used to the camera, I’ve noticed that you know, they’re

They’re little nervous and they tend to slouch a little bit. So you have to remind the model that to fix her posture. So I want you to arch your back. Yeah, so that their Yugo see that’s what you want. What about you want their back their lower back arch. So avoid arch your back? Okay now it’s not much. Normal, just like this is normal. Okay now arch your back. Okay. Hopefully you guys can see that difference. That is definitely a very important thing to remember in a shoe. photography Poses Tip
Tip Number . 4
tip number four when you’re taking a photo and you’re cropping it from just below the knee what you want to do is create a merging line at the bottom of the photo.

when you’re cropping when you’re cropping from here up have those put the cross those legs over just looks a lot better. That’s what I do. photography Poses Tip
Tip Number . 5
tip number five is all about negative space. Okay, so what I mean by negative space right here, you can see right from a-wastin arms. She has her arms straight down, but for a lot of people when you have your arms straight down, there is no gap between your waist and your arm. So what happens is you kind of you pure little thicker, you know you appear.

You know, especially if you have long sleeves the same color and you have your arms right here arms to the side. Let’s say I have one in here when I’m here your body appears a little wider. Okay, so what I mean by creating negative space is putting your by just her putting her hand on her hip behind hip here. Okay, so you see the waistline that’s very important because it makes her look slimmer. It gives you that line where her waist is. Okay, and so let’s say on this side you wanted that arm down. Okay, let’s pretend like she didn’t have negative. Face here all she would have to do is naturally just create space is anyway. Yeah. There you go. See like just like that if you wanted her arm down you would create space there. Let me get on the side. That is very important when photographing different types of women, you know, not all women are super slim like her with this little tiny waist you do have a small waist. Well, you know you want to make sure that you show off the waist and you don’t want this blob of you know, what?

I’m here where if she kind of looks wider you definitely want to show off the waist and create space. photography Poses Tip
Tip Number . 6

tip number six is when you when you’re telling her to look in the direction and all you see is white in her eye. That’s a problem. Okay, because then she’s gonna end up looking like is on the tape or something right? Like it’s gonna you’re gonna look weird. That was that was pretty bad. Try to forget that.
Tip Number . 7

tip number seven is do not obscure Here the jawline. Okay, and that is of the model. So if I were to ask them out, okay when I want you to do and what you put it put your hand on your face. Okay, so I have seen that happen before. Okay and what she’s doing here. She’s putting her hand on her face, but she’s covering her jawline.
Tip Number . 8
tip number eight is you want to make sure the model has soft relaxed hands? Okay, because that makes a huge difference in a photo, but I want you to do is Trace along top of your head along the top of your hair and I want you to stop and then for you here at the bottom.

Okay, so you see if you want to tell her to just go straight for her hair. She’s probably go cable straight for your hair gray hair. Thank you for proving my point. But sometimes when you ask them to grab their hair, they kind of just grab it if you tell her so possibly know just trace the top of your hair onto the tip and then swirl. It’s kind of a more of a natural motion that’s going to lead to softer hands. So try to try to use motion as much as you can when posing because It creates softer hand.
Tip Number . 9
tip number. Nine is about building poses. So what I’m going to have you do, okay, so I want you to put year. I want to put your weight on your right leg. Wait, are you really? Okay what I want you to do with your right hand kind of trace your hair cut your hair what I want you to do with your left hand is put her in your waist. Okay, make sure you oboe is pointed to the side right?

So now what I can do I can from this simple pulled I can build and I can move pieces around. and like this hand I can do many of the things with this hand come close to the camera closer so I can do many of the things with this hand this hand. You could Blue from the waist face the camera.
So what I can do with this hand more from the waist move it across top of her stomach right there to that pulls I can move this hand as you can move it across her kavya so you can come across and they keep it right there . Okay, and then she can move this hand around put it on your put it on your hip.
Put it. Yeah, you can put it on your hip right here like in the front you hit right there, you know like that. There are so many things that you can do for your right leg over your left leg. Okay, you see that? There’s these are pieces and you have to move move it piece by piece and that’s going to help you break down posing.
Tip Number . 10
tip number ten is always give the model positive reinforcement give positive reinforcement. Even if the pulls looks ugly even at the picture didn’t come out good you want to always say great. Oh my like that came out awesome. OK. Let’s try this instead. Okay, never say that wasn’t that wasn’t too good. But let’s try this. No because then the models going to think that they don’t look good.
they’re going to feel like there’s a problem. So don’t do not make that mistake and I learned thankfully I learned with her. So now when I show it people I tell them that look awesome, but we’re going to try this instead when I know in my camera that in come out good and I’m not sure I heard that picture. Okay. Alright guys. I hope you enjoyed those ten tips on posing. I know we had a little fun and I hope you guys can take something away from this article.